Perception and expression from the heart.

   This is a transmission received several years ago, but seems relevant at this time. It is an important perspective, but much more than just that. How do we navigate through the apparent chaos many of us are witnessing in the world? The old adage of – problems are not solved on the level they were created. Nonviolent resistance was not using the tools of oppression, but advanced the causes nonetheless. This is the realm of inclusive transformation. Perception and expression from the heart.    A.S.

“…the more that you can separate yourself from your egoic, primitive mind, the more you can see clearly through the heart’s perception of compassion. There is more of a smiling recognition that other people’s situations, journeys, are necessary for them in their evolution / creation process.

   And at the same point, you do not have to buy into it. You don’t have to take a particular stance against it. You let it roll off of you. You let it roll and bless it, as it comes into you and your recognition. You become as a willow. You are blown within the wind of the experiences that you have. And yet you are always rooted into the ground, into your heart, into the center of your being. So, although it may appear to some you blow in the wind and are unanchored, nothing could be further from the truth. For the blowing in the wind is the recognition of the transcendent nature of the experiences that take place around you – in the 3rd dimensional density.

  This provides great freedom, as you go through your day, knowing that you are rooted in Source, rooted in the love that you are. And manifesting that through the heart, out into the world. Think of it that way. Think of it as your heart is actually more of your thinking mind now. It is the center of your being. It is the means of perception, and means of creation that you may use to navigate that which you encounter. You can look at it as a tool in this regard, the most phenomenal tool you could ever wish to have. For its transformative nature, its nature of being able to create, are unlimited. And as you grow with this, as you develop these tools of creation, from your heart, then all is possible. All is accepted. All is recognized as being part of the unity of all that is. And this is true freedom. This is true being in alignment with that which is. Your heart is your tool and key to that which is. The more that you can separate yourself from your egoic, primitive mind, the more you can see clearly through the heart perception of compassion. There is a smiling recognition that other people’s situations, journeys,  are ones that are necessary for them in their evolution / creation process”.                                    T.A.O.    A.S.  6/30/20

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