Saturn Jupiter Alignment

“So when you think about planetary influences, do not limit yourself to the third dimensional approach to these bodies”.

  “The unity that is oneness. The unity that is creation. The unity of our beings and at this time, of our perceptions. We grant you this ability to intersect with our knowledge, our understanding and our creation. For it is creation, within the unity of that which is, that provides the ability for us to communicate in this way. We share as unity, we create as unity. We, in the loving relationship of understanding in this transmission grant you this access into our perception of that which you required at this time.

  We see that you are interested in examining and coming to understand more of the nature of what you are terming astrology or the influence alignment, or representation, more accurately, of the planetary systems that exist in your dimension. And these also exist beyond the third dimensional density, which you inhabit. You are seeing these and relating to these planetary bodies as an influence on you in different aspects of what you term your cyclical manifestations on this earth. But please remember that these bodies exists, not only within the third dimensional density, but they exist in multiple dimensions and realities simultaneously. So when you think about planetary influences, do not limit yourself to the third dimensional approach to these bodies. That they have some magnetic or more physical attraction and influence over your world and your beings, individual consciousness that exist on your dimensional plane. These bodies are multidimensional life forms that exist as platforms for interdimensional beings to exist upon, to relate to. And for them to have the basis of their reality, expressed into that particular dimension that they have.

  These things spill out beyond the physical appearance within your dimension. And they spill out those aspects of their dimensional creations, spill out and reverberate throughout the various universe, multi-verse creation. Then you receive this information. And this is more of what is actually having the affect upon you. Upon your reality in your physical, individual personalities, which then are described as astrological influences.

They perform one of the fabric creations of the creation matrix that has a particular vibration, based on multiple factors of their existence. Multiple expressions that are there and are incorporated with the dimensional beings that exist upon them, in those multi-verse experiences.

  It becomes incredibly complex to ascertain what and why these things are happening and how they influence your world. And as that saying goes, “as above so below”, then there is a correlation to these individual planets – in this case you are talking about your Jupiter Saturn relationship. It is perceived by many that these are just individual planets that have certain alignments at certain times. And it is just from our perspective that we receive this information. Essentially there is nothing – there is no there, there in this process. However, in this particular case, at this point in time between your Saturn and Jupiter connection, there is in this alignment. Because of the way that the two planets are aligned in conjunction with your observation point on this particular earth dimension at this point time, then those vibrations are closer to the strongest influence upon you. It is like a garden hose is sprang out. There is a center jet of water and then multiple parts of that jet that fan out beyond it. But the primary influence water-jet energy is coming in the straight-line. And if you are being hit by that water stream, you know that there is a stronger sense of connection to that jet. And likewise, on these vibrations that happen through space, physical space. But more importantly, dimensional space. Which is the aspect of the creation matrix that is multidimensional – is functioning on infinite levels of experience, creation.

  These things transcend, and those energy vibrations will traverse the, what you term space / time, between them, and you. And likewise will express the resonance of these expanded dimensional densities at the same point, in that time. In this particular case, in these vibrations and in this particular timeframe, and this particular expression of consciousness frame that exists – for the overall consciousness and trajectory of your earth – the dimension is at a critical expansion potential point. We will stress potential point, for those beings who wish to align with this energy, become knowledgeable of this energy.

Again, it is a convergence of the trajectory of your earth / Gaia system, which is reflected in many ways in the individual consciousness expressions, your being, and the beings of all others on this earth. And intersecting with a much more primary connection of the Saturn, Jupiter alignment energy stream. And these three, in addition to your own personal development requirements and state of evolution and consciousness, then make it possible for you, as the observer, as the receiver of these energies, between the creation matrix, multi-verse framework, the planets, the trajectory of Gaia, and your third dimensional evolution. And also your own individual evolution status potential. Into a potentiality of increased understanding an increased vibrational potential that is there. This vibrational potential is in fact just that. We are talking about an increase in the amplitude potential availability that you have. And as you are open and willing to accept that new vibrational energy potential, you have the ability to perceive, and ability to open various chakras of your body. To express more fully with the heart nature of your true aspect of creation, of your consciousness. For now your conscious awareness has the potential – if you open and receive this energy, consciously, in meditation, in reflection, in feeling, in the openness and the opening that is there right now. For that is in fact the case.

  These things, are cracking you open, and permitting more of your true nature and the essence of what you are, to receive the “light of day”, and the light of open consciousness. That happens, and as it does, elements of what you term your egoic mind, your old programming that has encased you for so many years and incarnations, begins to crack open and dissolve. Because with this new vibrational level, those old formats – they are a type of vibration that are of a grosser vibrational level – they are not compatible with this new energy vibration. We talk about dissolving these old patterns. Well, the dissolving is a matter of vibrational changes and the inability for those old restrictive patterns that have kept, in many cases, you locked into a particular mindset framework.  Or the same nightmare of recurring forms that are not necessarily in keeping with your highest aspirations and your new understandings – of your perceived heart basis understandings of the situations and expressions that you are, or have fallen into over these past incarnations.

  This vibration, this new energy vibration which is a manifestation of what is happening now between Jupiter / Saturn connection, is activating that vibration, and dissolving more and more of these old formats. It is, on one level, a recognition, astrologically, that these things are happening. And there is a certain degree of truth to that. But really, in terms of the mechanics of what’s happening that is observable for you in this dimension, even though you are unable to, for the most part, recognize the higher natures and expanded dimensional densities that are in fact helping to instigate that transition. Again, “as above so below”, your visual experience / alignment of the planetary systems and in conjunction with that the energy recognition of the particular time of your experience in this dimension, then provide you with the keys to the recognition of what is happening. Then you can be more conscious of what is happening. And with your conscious awareness, you can take fuller advantage of that energy that you are being granted, by grace, from Source, at this time. And this is a great gift.

  This is part of one of your reasons for incarnating at this particular moment – for this access to these different elements that form the advancement of conscious creation into what you term the future, into what we term the living Now of Source Creation. Which for us is beyond time, beyond space. It is the acceleration of expansion of all that is, in the unity of all that is, in the experience of all that is.

  We hope this has helped to define more of what is happening at this point time. We of course recommend that you take full advantage of this for the next week or so. That you watch for and open more fully, to the potential and the vibrational energies that are washing over you, and the planet, and the dimension at this time. We are one. You are always blessed. And we are always here for you, for guidance. And the expression of our true nature – to expand your true nature and awareness”.

  Thank you Thoth for this explanation, this blessing. In infinite love and gratitude, I thank you.

Sunday December 20, 2020          Thoth             # 549           Transcribed by Alan Swanson                         

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