Mechanics of Consciousness: Creation and the Quantum World

  What defines a quantum state or experience? Observation, science, mathematics, or an exploration of how our universe is brought into being? Questions.

Quantum mechanics is the study of how particles at the atomic and subatomic level interact with each other and the environment. What has been discovered, although controversial, is that an observer can alter the behavior at that level. The unobserved, or the observed, determine what will take place. An example being the classic light slit experiment, which could generate either a waveform or a particle. The observer “producing” a particle. Entanglement is another related aspect – Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”. An instantaneous agreement of once co-joined particles. When separated, even to vast distances, affecting one will have a mirror effect on the other.

Implications? Is it limited to the quantum world only, or does it enter the nuts and bolts Newtonian world? Might something change on a subatomic plane when we observe our recognizable environment? Does this help to form our observable world – in some way helping to manifest the “mechanics” of this dimension? What IS taking place as we experience the world before us at / in each moment?

If the universe originally emanated from the Big Bang, would All be entangled, co-joined – a unity? Would All of creation be connected and synchronized as their inherent nature? From this perspective, our “reality” may ultimately be functioning from a different organizational manifestation – perhaps dropping in and out of our visible world from other dimensions. Might energy waves emanate from other dimensions? The mathematics of science has been formulating the “necessity” of other dimensions. What does that imply?

From a metaphysical understanding, we are all aspects of the unity of Source Consciousness. Yet each with our own unique awareness. Consciousness is key. What is termed the infinite Now, is the continuing manifestation of Source Consciousness. It is the infinite potential that supplies or brings into a recognizable reality all that we perceive. It is Consciousness generating form. A Consciousness implies awareness and information. These are fundamental to our existence. If we were not aware, there would be no existence as we know it. And without a source of information, memory and access, there would be no ability to interact and express our lives.

In our dimensional experience, once an event is experienced in that ever-changing expression (past) of the Now, it returns and “updates” the karmic memory. This the informational record (Akashic record) of all that is, both on a macro and individual micro level. Instantaneously intermingled to redefine a new definition of that which is.

All possibilities, expressions, all that we understand as real, exist in the Now. A state “outside” of time. But we do perceive and experience the passage of time. The linearity of time is a fundamental construct for us. Time permits us to experience an “observation point” from which the mind comprehends. Our lives, our stories are experienced by a past, present, and future framework. (Compare this to the somewhat chaotic characteristic of a dream.) We are the observers – witnesses to the motion of this time based reality. Yet more than that, we shape the expression of the Now. Our karmic requirements (information) “call forth” their integration into the exterior world. There we apply our free will and creativity to that trajectory, to discover more about who and what we are.

Science, and the new observable physics, (CERN for example), are merging with the spiritual, metaphysical descriptions of that which is. The discovery of the “God” particle among other things. A recognition where everything is connected, all emanating from a place that seems to be just outside the reach of observational science. The instantaneous manifestations from the infinite Now – entanglement. A direction / experience being “choreographed”, and ready to perform within the parameters of this dimension. An expression of what can be termed a holographic universe, driven by informational data of cohesion.

This would be analogous to the individual fulfilling the observer function in a quantum experiment. It brings the wave closer to “3D life”, by becoming a particle / mass. Is this a glimmer of recognition what we take as reality is happening somewhere, somehow on a massive, conscious scale? Can we suggest that there are “scientific rules” governing creation / manifestation and the workings of consciousness? But this the nature of science investigation all along. It is pushing out the boundaries of knowledge. Asking questions about this dimension, both externally – matter, and internally – consciousness.

Our world represents an incredible organization of information. Not only on the physical earth platform, but with our conscious use of the mind to experience and interact with that information. We are an integral part of the world, as the world is an integral part of us. The observer and the observed as one. Co-creating. Working in harmony with countless beings / observation points, where we witness the world, and guide it to form our reality.

            A.S.   8/11/23

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