
What does it mean to attune?              

Many of us wake up these days with the question – what is happening to the world? The earth feels as though it is splitting apart under our feet. Great change and challenges greet us each day.  And yet, with great change possibilities, comes new choices. But real choice requires being aware of one’s own nature, and how that can attune to compatible options.

What does it mean for one to attune?  Attune is defined as:

  • To bring into accord or sympathetic relationship. 
  • To make aware or responsive. 
  • To adjust. 
  • To tune or be in harmony. 
  • To make receptive.

When we apply these definitions to the term “New Earth,” we see that attune speaks of a personal perception and relationship. An individual connection takes place that can take a form that is unique to each person on the planet. Appreciation for nature, ecological sensitivity, living in harmony with the plant and animal kingdoms, respect for each other, and the list could go on and on.

Attuning to a New Earth can be the recognition that our world is changing and evolving at an incredible rate of speed. Technology and science break new ground with each day. Science is in the process of determining that matter is vibration, all is energy, and multiple universes abound, even as seen from the perspective of our concrete three-dimensional world.

This internal attunement has also taken another direction. More and more people have discovered they have the abilities to go beyond our normal three-dimensional world and to resonate to a broader spectrum of awareness. Connecting to the “higher self,” to spirit, to the consciousness of the earth directly, and to beings who exist outside our normal means of perception, have now become a part of our collective consciousness.

 I am one of those people.

The Beings I have communicated with and channeled for during the past number of years have asked me to share some of the information received, in order to support this New Earth transition and the vibrational frequencies that go along with its creation.

My hope is that these transmissions will instill a sense of optimism, love and an expanded perspective on where we find ourselves at this time, and what we wish to create.

Alan Swanson May, 2020

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