A Story about…

To my dear friends:

   As some of you know or were vaguely aware that for the past number of years, I have been connected to and channeling information from, I will term it expanded aspects of consciousness. This is been an incredible growth process and the information received has been quite profound for me, in terms of getting an understanding and perspective on that which we call life.

  I think most of us would agree that the experience of events in what we perceive as time, has accelerated exponentially. And now with the global pandemic, we are confronting stresses that we have not experienced in our lifetimes. My son just asked me if I could remember anything comparable to the situation. My response was, of course, nothing.

  Less than a week ago, although it seems like months, I asked my guides / connections for some perspective and guidance as to the evolving situation on our planet. As is often the case, information transmitted was not exactly what I expected. First off, I was connected with the new being not encountered before. I’m now referring to that being as the White Light Energy Being, because in part, this was the visual experience around our “interaction”.

  I am sharing this letter in order to put these transmissions into some context. I have generally not spoken at any length about the communications and channeling that I experience, much less the actual content.  But now, considering the world situation we find ourselves within, I felt some urgency to share this information.

  This is my brief perspective on what the nature of what we term “reality” is: 

Fundamentally it is the understanding that all is consciousness, emanating from One Source, period.   Science is in the process of determining that there is no real there – there.  All is vibration, all is energy. What we take as solidity can be seen as an illusion. Multiple universes are possible. What we see around us is a tiny fraction of what is there to be experienced. Much the same as sound or light, we are only able to perceive a small segment of what is available.  And now, many people are starting to discover they have the abilities to go beyond the normal everyday perceptions, – to be able to attune to a broader spectrum of awareness. But this goes hand in hand with greater responsibility of creation. We are being asked to help support and contribute to this process. The idea that we are creator beings has been spoken of for many years now. Maybe this is the time to really embrace that power – to up our game.

    If there is one take away from all of this, as has been stressed over and over again in all of my communications, it is the importance of seeing and communicating from the heart. All of us talk about the heart and love as a matter of course. Yet it might be seen as almost abstract in a way, as the concept of love seems un-definable. But seeing a young child laughing and playing can generate a sensing experience in our actual heart area – where we can get a real first-hand experience of love as felt by the body.  It is my experience that focusing attention on the actual heart location, activates more and more of the heart’s true capabilities. Which then can lead in turn to the possibility of our being able to self-actualize these feelings of love and compassion. Then we are in control, and not requiring an external source to generate those feelings.  Heart attunement raises our vibrational frequency.  And this in turn opens us up to expand our conscious perceptions even more, which fosters the earth transformation.  Ultimately, our expansion does not come from the brain / mind, but our heart mind. That is our true evolutionary process.

  My hope is that these transmissions will instill hope and an expanded perspective on where we find ourselves at this time. I really cannot prove any of this to you, as it is something I experience on an internal level. And ultimately I cannot even prove it to myself.  For this dimensional density in which we exist “seems” to function outside of what we have been told is our true connection to Source, to God and the Unity of all beings. But I decided long a time ago that how I wish to live my life would be based on these principles. Perhaps, they may in fact be discovered as incorrect. But in the scheme of things, this is the best and most inclusive understanding of that which IS that I can imagine. I have the conviction of my doubts.  And my experiences, although falling “short” many times, still reinforces those understandings.

In unity, love, and gratitude, my blessings to all.

            Alan Swanson

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