Questions, Reflecting and Perspective.

     One of the realities of doing a blog site such as this, is that it involves not only reporting on the inner work and connection material, but also doing the inner work. Following the threads to see where they will lead. And over the past several months, it has become more of an internal journey of discovery and reflection.

So this has led to more personal transmissions, writings that are not ready for being shared on the blog site. In addition, it has been over a year since the first posting. It felt like time to drop back a bit, get some perspective. See where the evolution of the writings have brought me. Originally, I had no clear idea of direction. Trust.

One of those threads concerned something fundamental to this blog site. The question of what is it to attune to a new earth? In one of the early blog postings I posed some possibilities as to what attunement was and how to go about doing it. But what do I think about it now, after year? How do I understand attunement at this point?

Which raised the question concerning different dimensions. Does a ”deeper” form of attunement actually mean / require expanding beyond this third dimensional density? Is it necessary to go into a meditative state to transition beyond our third dimension? Does attuning to a new earth require a similar expansion of consciousness and awareness? Or is it enough to be in a state of gratitude and perceive with a loving heart in order to connect with the earth, or the new earth?

I don’t think it is an either or choice. A meditative, opening, expansion of consciousness will always lead one to attunement. Likewise, feeling the gratitude for our existence on this earth, with a loving, unconditional joy, will be received and understood by our earth, Gaia.

For several months now I’ve been working with an earth blessing visualization, originally conceived as a blessing for food. It is a conscious recognition which connects with the food that will be taken into my body, along with a loving gratitude to the earth. A connection is established, which then receives energy from the earth, embracing our body.

I have experienced this as an attunement to the earth. One that is more of a feeling  connection. Is it a transcendent reality, touching on another dimension? Or a projection of the mind? I feel it is the former. When I establish a connection to the consciousness that is Gaia, I cannot help but enter an expanded dimension. And there blessings and gratitude are always welcome and acknowledged with a sense of peace.                                                                                                             A.S. 7/6/21

A Christmas Blessing

May peace be upon you. May the loving face of the existence of all that is be recognized by you continually. For that is the essence of creation. That the consciousness of creation, of Source, of the One, continually shines and radiates existence, your consciousness, and the consciousness of all other beings. Manifesting itself into infinite universes, experiences, perceptions, and the loving understanding of what is required for each unique individual aspect of that consciousness. This is the infinite. This is the expression of the infinite. And as you open and recognize that infinite nature, then you become filled to the capacity that you are able to contain within your consciousness. Consciousness is unique to each individual, there is no specific plan for an individual to grow in understanding and awareness, and to be able to embrace that infinite nature of the creator. Each is unique. You might say that an individual, in their unique aspect, expresses that individuality in a way that is coherent with source energy”.

October 16, 2020      Jeshua

Post # 2

Sharing the journey.

  Several years ago my wife came across what seems to be an embedded character trait of Scandinavians. And since both of us are heavily weighted in that direction, it struck a chord. Generalities being just that, it still felt as if it had some validity. That Scandinavians, being on the more reserved, quiet side, created a culture that attempts to honor another person’s space. There is this introverted sensitivity to others. Do not be perceived as a bother. My Scandinavian grandfather epitomized this.

  I have brought this up in regard to this blog site as venturing out into the world with this information and opening up my journey, represents breaking out of cultural and family tradition. I have always been quite private with my personal journey to understand life, the universe, and everything. Yet since I was requested to embark on this new journey of expressing this received information to the world, I admit it has taken me out of my comfort zone.

 There are two aspects of that journey I have recognized. The first one is communicating the channeled transmissions that I have received out into the world. And that have, of course, required my opening up and admitting to my process of connecting to beings outside of our normal perception.

  I have become comfortable conveying the channeled information to the world. (Just saying, the word world, seems to be an immense statement in itself – but with the Internet that’s just the way things are at this time.) For from my perspective, the information itself has always been seen as originating from a highly conscious and caring space. I do virtually no editing of the transmissions. They speak for themselves.

  Secondly, I have found that communicating in such a way can not be separate from my own internal process and experiences. My journey is the framework on which these communications reside. Or maybe more appropriately, my internal journey resides on them. Either way, a degree of sharing my process, my perspective, my location on the road of conscious evolution, puts a strain on my Scandinavian roots.

  The sharing of my personal journey / expression is evolving, along with the acceptance and the growing awareness of the unity of all that is. There is a recognition that other people may benefit from seeing the internal process of another person, another traveler. The perspectives, the doubts, the clarity, the fog, the joy, and the connectedness, are all parts of our journey of being a spirit – human, and discovering who and what we are. It is a radical idea in some ways. Being willing to be open.  The norm seems to be that many people wish to present a finished process or belief. Yet life is not a finished process. It is always a work in progress. For me, as someone who once ran a highly creative business, something I came to appreciate was how information and ideas that may not have worked in the final analysis,  were important steppingstones toward that final solution. And they could come, and did come from anywhere.

  Many of the spiritual teachers that I have encountered over the years, preface their teachings with the admonition for the receiver to try it out for themselves – and not believe just because that teacher says so. There are guideposts along the way, which can be pointed out. But the process and the growth ultimately resides uniquely in each individual.

  Several times in these blog postings, I have said I do not consider myself to be a spiritual teacher. I am just presenting ideas and concepts that I’ve picked up and used along the way. But perhaps the whole idea of being a spiritual teacher is an erroneous one. It may in fact just boil down to our willingness to share the oneness that we are, and the love that we are. The love, the sharing itself is the teacher. And perhaps we teach best those things which we most need to learn.

                                                                                                            A.S. 9/18/20

Post # 1.

  My greetings to you, and my heartfelt thanks for entering this blog site.

  It has been several months since my first postings occurred on this site. Since that time, there has been a great deal of information presented. I recognize some of the content, along with certain terms used, can be difficult to understand. Yet I believe there is a certain underlying simplicity to be discovered that starts with a recognition of two fundamental elements found within the transmissions.

There is a primary theme of focusing and working with the heart in order to perceive the outer world that we know – or think we know.     Secondly, if they are read in a state of open receptiveness, they can be received as a meditation/attunement that goes beyond the written word.

    My understanding of the nature of our being, is that the heart center is our true core / essence. I also recognize that statements involving who and what we ARE, have been spoken about and written about, for millennium – that there are as many definitions as there are people. And that is how it should be, for each being is a unique manifestation of Source. Yet, as we step out beyond our normal interactions with the world around us, and search for the meaning of our real purpose of existence, the perceived complexity melts into simplicity. Many revered teachers have spoken of the need to unlearn in order to discover who we are.

  Of the hundreds of transmissions I have received, the vast majority references the heart as our primary connection to Source, and how that connection works, or can work, if we will let it. Perception from the heart opens us to the attributes that we recognize as our ideals, and in expressing the love that we are. Compassion, love, non-judgment, self-sacrifice, gratitude, inclusiveness, sharing, clarity of perception, wonderment, unity and the connection to Source, to name a few.

  The heart is not an abstract concept. It is in a perceivable location in the body, close to our physical heart. I am reminded of images painted of the Christ, primarily in the Catholic Church, where he is pulling back and pointing to an area in his chest, which is a heart. The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Not having been raised in the Catholic Church, those images were always foreign to me, much the same as what is typically found in Indian spiritual art. If I thought about it at all, it was seen as a way to portray the, “yes Jesus loves you from his heart”. Or were they saying that each of us has that radiant heart within, at that location?

  The heart, our center, does exist in that location. And the more we can move our conscious awareness into that physical locality, the more we are able to open up to discover who we truly are. (Explore Heart Math – excellent research and tools to center in the heart.)

  The other important aspect these transmissions presented, is that they can be used as a meditation / attunement to the underlying energy that was inherent in the original communication. The “Beings” who have communicated this information and this connectedness, say this is available. Somehow, someway, certain material has the ability to “re-transmit” that original energy / vibration in subsequent readings. My understanding is that certain objects, blessings or readings have the ability to “push open the door a bit”, to access higher states of consciousness. And that can have infinite potential.

  Granted, this is getting off into the mystical realm of being. But isn’t this the same as what happens in the major religions of the world? Sacraments, blessings are “mystically” transmitted. It is my conviction that this time in our world, in our evolution, in our expansion, the separation we have experienced in the past is decreasing at a rapid rate. The darkness and shadows are being brought into the light of day. The darkest hour is just before dawn. It is becoming easier and easier to attune oneself to the light energies, and perceive our true capabilities.                                                                                     A.S.   July 5, 2020

The idea of this, “blog within a blog,” was to create an active commentary section, focused on the transmissions received by me that are posted on this site. These commentaries represent my perspective, and reflect my evolving growth process.

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