(This is the first of several transmissions concerning the nature and function of the pineal gland in the body).
“The power of creation. The power of knowing, of understanding, of comprehension of the experience of being. That comprehension is a never-ending process – there is no end. There could never be an end. For the oneness of creation exists. And that existence is a constant. It is the only constant in reality that you know, in all realities. You exist. We exist. Source exists. And as that gift is shared with the multitudes of beings, then growth happens, understanding happens, perspective is maintained. For perspective in this regard is representative of that force of creation that exists. And in that existence, in those moments of comprehension and perspective, then you create. You, in recognition of that which is around you, at any particular time, as you are placed in this environment, whatever environment that you may find yourself within. Then true creation is the recognition, the perspective, the giving meaning to the situations that are at hand. And the meaning is totally dependent upon you. This is the freedom of creation. This is the freedom that has been granted. That you may experience creation in your own unique way. And this vantage point that you have, fosters the creation, the ever-changing movement, the infinite expansion of Source, and all beings within the Source.
Today you have asked about the pineal gland. That aspect of your physical body, and that aspect that is also a expansion of that physical location. Truly however, it is more of the reverse. We will call it an energy center at the moment, that is critical to existence and the experience on this dimension you call your home. It is gifted to you, into your physical body, from this expanded dimensional density. This is a true seed essence of Source that is part of you, it is part of your overall being, your awareness, your ability to comprehend and recognize, and to be aware. All these things can be used as a description of what is happening. For most people wish to be able to neatly compartmentalize the certain aspects of your being, the pineal gland is such and such, and that’s what is. But in truth it is indefinable. It exists, as a true spark of the divine, as a true essence of being.
Now is it the true location of your consciousness, of your center of being? In a way, yes. In a way it is the center of your conscious awareness. And you’ve been working toward trying to narrow the focus of your awareness, of your mind, to grasp the location, the physical location of this pineal gland. And at the same point, to grasp the location of the seat of your consciousness. And this is a noble task for you to do. For as you comprehend where and what it is, you are coming to know more of your true nature and yourself and your true being.
Now how does this relate to the heart and the center of your being, in that regard also? As you’re getting more attuned to the heart, you’re starting to recognize that the heart alone, as important as it is, is connected to these other areas of energy within your body. You focus your attention on the heart, and it illuminates the world around you. You may look at it as the heart is your true expression point of your being, of your consciousness that is projected out into the world.
So it is a essential aspect of your being, of all beings. It is the way that you focus your attention and energy. And it produces what you would term the ideal expression of the love that you are, out into the world around you. And this, in many ways, will change the energy of your mind, your everyday mind, your egoic mind, your primitive mind. And it is that way to then take your energy and focus it out into the world around you. And by doing that, through the heart, by experiencing your consciousness, centered in the heart, it reflects that essence, your true creative essence, out into the exterior, what we will say, manifestation of that which is around you, that you take as your dimensional density. Or it can be any dimensional density.
We have talked in the past about how the heart is your means of communication, your means of seeing, your means of feeling that which is. So it is a primary aspect of your being. And with that, the pineal gland, we will refer to it as that at the moment, but we were going to give you a different terminology to consider, as opposed to that term. And this will become apparent as we go on. But that is the, we will say, connected area of your being, the conscious unique being that you are, that is attached to your physical body. In one way the heart actually is not attached. It is much freer. Hence its ability to interact with the world around you.
But the pineal gland is your attachment into this body, into this incarnation. At the time of your death you will release your connection to the pineal gland. And at that point in time, you will exit your body, and transition to the next appropriate place for your consciousness to reside. So there is the description of the “following the light energy at death” and going up that potential pathway to the, we will just say, the etheric – higher realms, at this point in time. And this is your consciousness, your seat of consciousness exiting the body pulling away from the physicality which will be then let go, and will die, you in your terminology. The body goes back to earth. and your consciousness and your heart also, being totally connected to the pineal gland energy, and your consciousness also, exit the body that point time, along with certain other aspects of your being.
So you see how important the pineal gland is – this energy center that locates and locks you into your being. Now that is in in one way, we will say, it is the physical portion of your body. But remember that is only a, we will say, grosser outer manifestation of the energy that is available and is there. So as you, we will say, activate the pineal gland, what happens is that you are touching the expanded dimensional density aspect of that source energy center. And this is, we will say, the direct conduit to Source, and creation, and being. So when you start access that expanded pathway, that expression of creation that is there for you, then yes, you are seeing in a sense, the divine. You are seeing a truer expression of who and what you are.
So automatically if you do that, which would be as an ambrosia droplet of Source entering your consciousness, and interfacing with the physicality that you are, this is a wondrous experience. And in doing this, then you activate more of your connection to heart, you activate your 3rd eye also, and all these other important areas of your being, of your physical being, and at this, we will say crossover stage state of being between the physical and the etheric body around you. So much happens as you progress and as you focus your attention on that area of your skull, brain, energy center.
And we will tell you that as you are working and as you are trying to get a “lock” on the position of your consciousness within your brain, that it is a subtle process. For you are trying to grasp the etheric nature of being, with more of your physical mind recognition. And that will only lead you so far. There is a point where you make the leap from your physical mind, to the opening of the physical pineal gland, to the spiritual essence that it is – the energy essence, the essence of creation, the essence of Source that it is. And then you freely step into another dimensional density, another creation experience of that which you are, and that which all other beings are. And that, you may think of it as a total expansion of your consciousness, through all the chakras – your heart, crown, 3rd eye, everything goes into the expansion of those areas.
You can describe the kundalini as coming up at that point, activating all the areas, the appropriate areas in your body, we will say, below the pineal gland, and then coming in and joining at that point to make you transition beyond the confines of your physical body.
We hope this has given you a little bit of a perspective on what the pineal gland is. Continue to seek. Continue to open. Continue to follow your conscious awareness as it attunes to this particular area in your body. But do not limit it to that particular area in the body. Yes, you start there, by focusing, but as another paradox occurs, you focus in the direction that you think it is there. Yet paradoxically it is an expansion that engulfs your being, your etheric body, and out into the infinite around, available, of Source, of who and what you are, who what we all are. So do not continue to focus, once you start to open, do not necessarily continue to focus on the physical area of it, but the expansion that is attainable, and there for you, as this process happens.
We are the heart of oneness. We are with you, as you are with us. The more you can focus your energy here, the more you will assist the earth and assist the transition of the earth into the 5th dimensional density. And we support that in every way that we can. Remember you are always blessed, and you are always with us, and attuning to us at each moment of your consciousness”.
I thank you for this insight into the complexities of being, and my particular pathway. In infinite love and gratitude I thank you.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 Thirteen # 487 Transcribed by Alan Swanson