The way of being. The way of consciousness. The way of perception. The way of merging with your higher self – the aspects of higher self. To recognize that state of being you are in, as incarnate in this particular world, in this particular body, at this point, in what you term time. Transcend. Transcend the body. Transcend time. Transcend space. Regain perspective of your being, of your true being, core essence. You were created in the image of consciousness, as consciousness, with consciousness, with Unity at all times.
You are capable of radiating out from the center of your being that awareness, that consciousness, that expression of your own presence, your own conception of the experience with which you have at this time. You are capable. You are aligned. I am aligned. You feel that alignment. I feel that alignment. I resonate to that alignment.
Understanding of that which IS – is a never-ending task. It is your guide. It is your direction. It is your wish. For the creation of your being in fact is a wish. It is a wish to understand what has created you. What you are capable of. And most importantly, how does that integrate with consciousness, reflecting back to consciousness – your perceptions, your experiences, your integration with what you term the outer world?
This is your task. This is your joy. This was the reason you asked to be presented with this world around you. You represent the cosmos, as perceived from this one small point of incarnation – and from this infinite point of perception. Perception, feeling that presence, incorporate that perception – they are the same. The consciousness incorporates the perception. And the perception relies upon the consciousness for its manifestation. For in truth, without consciousness to observe, the manifestation would not exist. You are responsible for that manifestation, as a fluid expression of Source – into this nodule of perception of what you find around yourself. Which is produced by yourself. It is the reality of yourself.
Being is the only thing that exists. Being is consciousness. Beyond that, all is a creation to observe the interaction of being with itself. This integration of being with itself, the creation of the apparent duality, is nothing more than being engaging, reflecting its own nature. Its own ability to bring into creation, bring into expression, the infinite potential of Source consciousness, in a way that manifests itself into a unified whole of understanding. Of the continuality of the expression, in a linear pathway, a linear progression of ever-changing expansion. Presented by itself, to itself, as the nature of creation. The nature of oneness. The nature of unity. The nature of love.
There is no difference from the external to the internal. They merge seamlessly, as you recognize the true perspective that is available to you. The creative dance opens to receive the partner of your consciousness. Of your awareness. Of your wish to express your curiosity. Your wish to recognize your potential in this dance of being. The nature of Shiva is this dance. Is the mirror that reflects back to you your individual perspective of all creation, of all beingness. It is the mirror. It is the creator. It is the destroyer. It is the giver of being.
Recognize and attune to this being, and we all benefit. And as you perceive from the mirror, you perceive through the mirror. And you perceive your true self on the other side of the mirror. A reflection, but not a reflection. A transparency, but not a transparency. A duality, but not a duality.
Time and space collapse. Duality collapses. You are left with the conscious core of your being.
Thursday, October 16, 2020 The Ancient One #520
Transcribed by Alan Swanson