The Seed Point: Navigating into the future, No. 3

  You live continually in the Now. All experiences take place in the Now. Yet, because of the linearity of time, your mind thinks about and project into the future. You work on and expect things to happen in the future. This is life. However, your past can and does become entangled with thoughts about the future and experiences that might happen. This is normal, as you must use the past as a frame of reference to plan for the future. But I would pose that your past and expectations can get in the way of how future events will come to pass. You can get in your own way. Creation can get tied up, in a sense, with your fears, doubts and your particular “filters” that can obstruct the flow.

Using this process bypasses mind’s need for control. There are no requirements to specify how events need to evolve. Your joy is your Joy. Trying to visualize specific control, only limits creation in the Now, and potentially the best unfoldment of the future. The Now works most efficiently without constraints. You are just signaling the Universe how you are going to feel when the day or weeks have passed. You learn to trust and get out of the way, while still doing what needs to be done, to the best of your abilities at each moment.

You know in the final analysis, you are not dependent on how you wish to feel, based on any external condition. And that frees both you and the Universe to support those feelings. It lets creation manifest in the most beneficial and harmonious way. It is learning to trust that which IS. Coming to know you are infinitely supported, in spite of how the externals might appear on the surface. You are free.

I suspect this process happens not only from the Now into the future, but also from the future back to the Now. I believe that love and joy exist outside of time. And they are some of the primary building blocks of creation. So planting them in what you term the future, is no different than planting them here and Now. The emotions become a driving force of creation. And once you learn to work with them, you become part of that consciousness creation.

A.S. 8/21

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