The Seed Point: Navigating into the future, No. 2

  Once in that space of deeply feeling a grateful and a loving presence, then Joy blossoms forth. It cannot do anything else. Each of these three, when examined closely, are One in the same. They bring a lightness and smile to your face and your mind. You recognize the real being you are. Gratitude, love and Joy, come to have a life of their own within your being. You can learn to cultivate them. By so doing, expand their inner and outer presence.

I would propose the use of the Gratitude, Love and Joy emotions to more harmoniously navigate into the “future”. You have the power to project a new Seed Point into your future. By this I mean a mind created, recognized point in what will be a future time experience. In an hour, a day, week or year, where you envision yourself, at that future time, being a state of Gratitude, Love and Joy- GLJ.

This is planting a “Future Seed” as to how your experiences will turn out. A seed that “informs” the manifesting universe of your intention. But not how it should come about. Only how you intend to feel at that point in time. This is important.

Take just a few moments and generate the G, L, J emotion. Be appreciative of something in your life, something that brings you joy and love. When you start to smile, then you are there. You will know. Next, think briefly about the day, or a task of the day, where you would like a particular outcome. Then set the Seed Point by linking those emotions to the time of completion. Coming out of a meeting with a smile – happy. A positive result to a complex problem. Or see yourself getting into bed, smiling with Gratitude, Love and Joy for all the day’s gifts and happenings coming to fruition. The tasks done, and now you are smiling in gratitude and love.

When bedtime does occur, look for those experiences. Review the day. Realize that your Seed has grown, because it was planted with your love and joy. You are working with creation in the most perfect way. The most harmonious way. Feel the gratitude as much as you can. Even small experiences can hold wonders if you look for them. The GLJ has been the nurturing gift that defined how the experience will grow. You have, of course, to play your part, but have left creation free to guide you in the process.

If you wish, keep with that emotion to activate a new Seed Point in the future. Done even for a few moments daily, creates a new world of wonder and peace.

A.S. 8/21

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