The Seed Point: Navigating into the future, No. 1

   I would like to give you a great gift. Although in one sense it is not mine to give, for it is something you already possess.

It is the reminder and recognition of Gratitude, Love, and Joy, and a specific way to activate them in your own life. I will share another perspective on understanding their power residing within you. And how you might use that power to navigate into the future.

Gratitude, is the appreciation of what you are, what you have experienced, are experiencing, and what you will experience. Opening yourself to the heartfelt feelings of thankfulness, opens a special place within. From a very simple, to the most important event in your life, the feeling is the same. The benefits of being in a state of gratitude are endless. You can find that place within. You can honor those experiences, bring them to life, along with a heightened awareness.

Doing that opens the door to the expression of Love. It can be felt as an actual warmth and centering within the heart, the physical heart area. You can generate that Love Emotion easily by just thinking of someone or something especially important to you. Or perhaps the beauty of the world, a loved one, a child, or an animal. How does that make you feel, especially if recognized within the expression of gratitude?

The feeling of gratitude expands even more. We have a core nature, and this is it. This is true self, emoting a powerful, fundamental vibration of the universe. Internal versus external cause and effect. Of course it is wonderful to experience the feeling of love from the external, “live” event. Yet to generate the gratitude / love feelings internally, offers another dimension of freedom. You are no longer dependent solely on the outer world to initiate how you feel “inside.” Your feelings really become yours.

 And you can learn to direct them.

A.S. 8/21

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