Perceiving through the heart, expressing through the heart

How do we interact with the world around us? It is the basis of existence. It is the accepted operational mechanics of being alive. It’s just the way it is. Taken for granted. But what if it is time to re-examine that fundamental aspect of our incarnation? How would we perceive the outer world around us? How would we express ourselves into that outer world around us?

Is it the interaction emanating from a thought process, or merely a reaction to that which is happening around us? What do those interactions mean? Do we actually give them meaning? Or is it purely a response mechanism? Or can we create a significant impact for our own life, and the experience of the world around us?

I am going to pose the possibility that we have the power to affect what we perceive as the outer world. That we are able to shape that world by how we perceive it, and how we express our conscious response to that world.

I have been working with, and posed the concept of a “seed point”. It is working with a point in space / time, in the future. There we envision ourselves being in a state of gratitude and joy, in relationship to an intention regarding a particular subject matter. To actually work with creation. Without dictating how, to only envision our response at a certain time. It has proven to be quite magical and profound in its results.

Here I wish to expand a bit further. If we can have an effect on our environment, the process of our life, what might be the best way to accomplish that? For a number of years now the concept of “perception through the heart and expression through the heart” has been something that I have considered. It is always had the ring of truth to it. Expressing the love that I am, that we all are, and have the capability to do it. I would describe it as a bedrock belief / awareness that I have. Yet at the same time, finding the ability to actually put it into practice – elusive. How does one go about that?

I have spoken about the filters that we all have. Those subconscious formats we have accumulated that can alter the perceptions and the expressions our minds generate into the world. And for the most part I have regarded them as more of a negative interference with accurate perceptions of our world. What kind of meaning do they form? How do they actually apply to the circumstances of life? But can’t we decide what our own perception filters can be? Can’t we take the highest attributes we can imagine within our awareness and use these to give meaning to the interactions around us?

Compassion. The heart. What if we applied the “meaning filter” of compassion to all that we perceive? To respond to the experiences in front of us with compassion. With the meanings of compassion. With the understandings of compassion. Without judgment. Only openness. What would our world look like? And more importantly, how would that manifest in our lives? From that starting point, how would we express ourselves into the world, from the heart? Perceiving through compassion, or the attunement to the core essence of those around us and the circumstances existent, what would our responses look like? I would suspect this is the road of the bodhisattva. Honest expressions from the heart originate beyond the mind, and the preconceived filters we have accumulated. When the spontaneity of the heart is given permission to act upon the perceptions of compassion, then we activate our higher self. Our transcendent nature that is able to recognize the Unity of all that is. Of our place in the grand scheme of creation. The essence of why we are here, and why we exist at all. We witness our true meaning in motion. Alive. Undefinable. Eternal.

A.S. 3/2/22

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