To encompass 

   Certain terms used in these metaphysical musings have implications that don’t or can’t communicate the subtleties required. There have been several terms that have been used in one contextual area that has been especially difficult. Words such as, higher, lower, higher realms, transcending, transitioning, expanding, and evolution, to name a few. We have an idea of their meaning in a “normal” context. Yet in the realm of transcendent reality, there had been an underlying uneasiness in their use – something missing.

Our individual conscious awareness is always expanding. We grow and experience, we add new understandings to that which we are. What we term life is always in motion. Each moment brings the potential of a new observation, experience or recognizing a new meaning. Does this suggest we are in a “higher place” (or lower place) than we were the moment before? Have we transitioned into something new? From one vantage point, we might say yes.

However, what seems to be missing in the use of terms such as these, is inclusiveness. Using terms such as “higher” or “lower” implies a point of view, or perception that may negate a previous state of being. Or that we wish to transition beyond this dimension and all of its limitations and problems. That, “I wish to do such and such in order to get off this planet and end these cycles of reincarnation” – being a rejection or judgment on that which has come before. To go beyond our personal pain and suffering, into some new form of existence.

The term encompass has come to the forefront as more of an accurate way to approach our evolution in this context. Encompass has meanings of: comprehend, contain, embrace, embody, include, and incorporate. What do these point to? A compass is a tool to discover direction, and a tool used to draw a circle, a fundamental geometrical shape. It is used by our hand, but controlled from a place beyond the circle being drawn. A perspective. An observation point from our consciousness. It includes what it seeks to define.

Why is this important? We do not grow in a vacuum. Growth is a building process on that which has come before. We cannot decide or wish to remove part of a building’s foundation without structural ramifications. We are the totality of our lives, the dark along with the light. Judgments can negate the foundations of our lives. Our failures and regrets, as difficult as they can be, are part of what makes us who we are. To encompass all that we are with clarity, acceptance, and compassion – especially compassion to ourselves, provides us with a liberating perspective. Call it wisdom. We grow from understanding how we fit into the overall nature of creation, and the part we play and have played.

A.S.     8/13/22

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