Consciousness.  A  Brief Perspective

  Self-exploration is the journey to identify the consciousness of being. Humanity is continually drawn into the quest for comprehension – what is consciousness? How did we get here? What is beyond our lives? The age old questions of “why”.

The basics: All is Consciousness. Everything emanates from a single Conscious Source. Creation is what we might term a thought within the realm of consciousness. Quantum physics has pointed to this understanding. Matter is more energy and vibration than solid. A particle can go “in and out” of observable existence.

Our particular incarnation within creation begins as Consciousness being seeded into a body form. We call it life. This becomes “accessorized” with complex and essential attributes: The mind, the senses, comprehension, memory, and for some the ability to manifest “genius” talents.

The magnitude of our existence is beyond comprehension. Consider all the steps required in having a conversation – how rapidly we can process information. This unrecognized gift alone points to the ultimate mystery of what our consciousness IS. We experience life and the thought process, but have no idea from where they arise.

Our minds have the ability to recognize, with awareness, that which is before us. A Zen Buddhist perception is that the “doer and the doing” are the same. Which means that the elusive nature of our consciousness is not “observable” until it is manifested “physically” into the Now. The observer in quantum physics is integral to that which is being observed. The esoteric meaning of emptiness, nothingness, or the infinite, point to the elusive nature of this paradox.

Recognition is usually directed at the outer world we inhabit. And along with awareness, that subtle state of presence within the mind, our world is brought to “life” with meaning. But we can also recognize, with awareness, our “inner” conscious presence. This is the core of the self-exploration journey. We can become aware that we are aware. There we sit on the edge of the infinite. It has been described as the zero point. We sit at the feet of the un-manifested presence of Source. With centered presence, we can recognize our awareness. The mind quiets. Doer and doing are in harmony with the manifesting expression that is our life. We exist as a state of unlimited potential. A state of infinite nothingness, until called into existence – there to express ourselves in the ever-changing Now.     

The questions of consciousness can never be answered. They can only to be recognized through awareness, love and gratitude by one on the journey.                                                                                                                         A.S. 7/22/22

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