A Metaphysical Glossary    


Terms presented here are contextual, yet exist within an environment of their original use and associations. There may be multiple historical usages. Many are concepts that seek to explain transcendental or mystical understandings. Perhaps at best they may be looked upon as metaphorical in nature. For example, how can one describe or define consciousness? In addition, they reflect the understanding level / perception that I have at this time, which continues to evolve – my caveat for even attempting such a profound undertaking. Please consider it a work in progress.

Underlined words have their own definition.

                                                                                                Alan Swanson         8/15/22

Acceptance: It is one of the most important concepts for growth. Events that are taking place in the Now happen for a reason. Source Consciousness expressions are not random events. And once experienced, they become part of the totality of consciousness. From one perspective, there is nothing we can do about them. We can only work with them to the best of our ability – play with the cards we are dealt. We may not be happy with the situation – but resistance to the Now, especially with anger, complicates moving forward. Acceptance perceives a broader picture. And thereby the ability to embrace that which has happened with love, gratitude, and consciousness.

Action-less action: This is a Taoist term for the ideal way to interact with life. It is flowing in harmony with creation, and not dictating or attempting to force how it will manifest.

Akashic record: This is a type of repository for all information, all experiences. It also can be seen as an aspect of our subconscious mind. We do not necessarily have a place within our physical brain to store all the memories and experiences we have had. By accessing the subconscious mind, we can focus on specific information within the totality of the Akashic record. Perhaps it is just a means to access parts of infinite consciousness.

Alignment, attunement: These have always been difficult terms to define. We sort of have an idea of their meaning, and perhaps how to implement them. The description of the seed point provides an insight into the nature of alignment and attunement. The process of the placing of a seed point in the future shows how one can, with an intent and a feeling, create a harmonious union between oneself and the world in which we live. It is respecting, it is being open, it is wanting to work with, as opposed to enforcing ones will. It is a lightness of being. And the lightness that comes from trusting the unfolding of creation, and the part we may play within it. See action-less action.

Awareness: Awareness is not the mind, although it can be confused with the mind. The mind which thinks and analyzes, is different than awareness. Awareness is closer to our true nature, our consciousness. It is the knowing that we exist, that we Are. The I Am.

Chakras: These are energy systems that exist within but also beyond the physical body. They have specific attributes that connect to the main input source from consciousness into the body.

Heart or the heart chakra: This is one of the most important chakras of the body. It is our ever present connection with Source Consciousness within the body. It is our connection to the outer world. It is the access point to love, gratitude, joy, grace, the access to our subconscious, to name just a few of its attributes.

Sixth chakra pineal gland: This is the main connection of consciousness into the body. It is our “hardwired connection” from the “spirit realm” that is necessary to maintain life. When this is severed, the life of this body dissolves. It is also associated with the third eye and perception beyond the restrictions of this third dimensional incarnational space.

Christ, Christ-ed consciousness, heart consciousness: These can be incredibly complex and encumbered terms. For simplicity and accuracy, this will be defined as the expression of Source Consciousness into the heart center. It can become the highest expression of love that we are, and capable of being generated into the world around us. And into ourselves.

Compassion:  An empathetic recognition of the unity, the oneness of all that is. Each being, each created being, is ultimately a reflection of our own self. It is to recognize the interdependence, and the interconnectedness of all that is. To perceive from this perspective is a way to transcendence. Of evolving beyond this dimension and the limitations therein. It manifests from the heart and from the origin of Source Consciousness.

Consciousness: Our individual consciousness. What we take as consciousness is an aspect of Source Consciousness. It is the subtle background “awareness” beyond the normal perception of the mind. It is what is inserted into this dimension, and transitions at the time of our physical death. It may be perceived with the recognition of awareness.

Creation matrix: It is a construct of the dimensional experience. This is a “place” where physicality as we know it, emanates. It holds all the conscious energy expressions in place. It can be described, metaphorically, as a stage set for conscious beings, and interactions with all expressions of consciousness.

Creativity. Most people seem to honor creativity. It can inspire, bring new life into waning endeavors, and lead us with wonder and amazement. It has been said, and I concur, that what we call our brain, mind never had a creative thought. What we call creativity and inspiration emanates from a place of expanded perception. What we might term our higher self.

Dimension: Sometimes used with/as density. The term is used for our third dimensional reality, and as a catch all for expanded states of being. And for realms that are beyond our current capabilities to perceive from the vantage point of this earth. The inclination is to see them as other places, such as a parallel universe. But in this context, they should be seen as environments of different vibrational frequencies. Although we primarily exist upon this third dimensional experience, we are not exclusive to it.

Other dimensions: The primarily referenced here is to fourth, fifth, sixth dimensions. These seem to be the most referenced state of expansion, to which many are evolving.

Duality: It is a fundamental framework that defines the physical manifestation within consciousness. On an external level, one form, one expression must have a counterpart. Body and Spirit, light and dark, male and female, earth and sky. Yet there exists the paradox. For perceived with the heart, perceived through love, duality dissolves into the unity that is all creation.

Emotions. Terms such as love, gratitude, and compassion describe an internal attribute which we term an emotion. An emotional state is one in which we all recognize, but find it difficult to define. For it is always linked with other descriptive terms. I would pose that it is more of an animation of a feeling. In some way a feeling has become formalized by our minds to describe a state of mind we are experiencing.

Egoic mind. This is an aspect of our body mind brain that is a primary interface with the world around us. It can project a personality, belief systems, and a way to perceive and interact with other people. In some metaphysical circles it can be seen as a detriment to evolving beyond this dimension. Certain aspects can act as filters which can distort incoming perceptions from the world. It can hold pain and anger. But it also can represent a way for our highest aspects and aspirations to express themselves.

Emptiness: Nothing is truly empty. There is always a “residue” of consciousness left behind. It can also referred to the infinite, un-manifested potential of the Now and of Source Consciousness.

Etheric or spirit realms: Expanded dimensional densities. In this context, it is more of a generic term, description of states of being beyond our limited third dimensional observation point.

Feelings: Feeling can be defined as a function of perceiving. There is a recognition that it is beyond our normal five senses. Typically it is linked with other descriptive terms, which are considered emotions. Perhaps they are the first “recognition” of circumstances presented to the mind. Perhaps they can typically generate an emotion.

Gaia: This is the consciousness of earth expressed in our dimension. It is its own life force. And provides the raw materials for all of creation, our bodies included. We are made of the dust of earth and stars, to be animated by the Consciousness of the divine.

Grace: Recognizing the state of love which we continually receive. It is the ability to perceive and to dissolve mind limited expressions in a way as to neutralize them. It is an element of the prime fabric of source creation.

Gratitude: Another one of the prime expressions of Source Consciousness. Like love and compassion, we can experience gratitude initiated by the outer world experiences. But more importantly, we can experience them in a more direct way through self – emoting from the heart. Gratitude expresses the love that we are in a directed manner.

Higher. Many times the term higher is used in relationship to what we take to be beyond our normal self. Are we evolving into a “higher” aspect of ourselves? Are there higher dimensions available to us? Used in these ways, the term is not necessarily wrong, only misleading. It implies a hierarchy which we must ascend. Or, we can access our “higher self”. Perhaps it is more appropriate to consider descriptions such as expanded access to consciousness, a finer vibration, or something that does not imply a division of consciousness. And more importantly, nothing is beyond our direct connection with Conscious Source. We are the same. The One is all, the all are One.

Incarnation: In this dimension, we are born, we live, and we die. This is the interaction our bodies have within this world, within this dimension. But these are just the outer trappings of our consciousness expressed into this experience. It did not begin with birth, and it does not end with death. Only to continually transition.

Infinite: Really big. But more accurately than a size description, it is a “medium” of all -encompassing potential that we exist within, providing a multitude of options.

Interdependence and interconnectedness: The integral essence of creation, existing beyond the apparent separation of this dimensional space.

Karma and the karmic sphere: Our consciousness experiences lives and interactions with other beings and creations. These in turn become part of a repository of our history. Together they set up a particular trajectory of how an individual consciousness may interact in a subsequent incarnation(s). It becomes a way of exploring and advancing our understandings of the world and creation. Our lives are not random events, but ones based on connections and goals that have been agreed upon, at some level of consciousness. A karmic sphere is more of one’s own set of circumstances, which interact with increasingly larger karmic trajectories happening within the dimension(s).


Light is a term that is used in so many contexts. There is the purely visible aspect of light. However, light as used here refers to something quite different. Light is a prime expression of Source energy. It can be visualized as a protective shield around us. It can be the golden light shining before us in states of meditation. Performing a blessing, it can be used to surrounding that which is to be blessed. Is it real, or is it symbolic? Perhaps it is a functional metaphor in our dimension. Or perhaps, it is as real as creation gets.

Linear time, linear space: Ultimately all is Consciousness existing as infinite potential. And that potential is expressed in the ever present Now, the infinite Now. Linear time, linear space are constructs that support the creation matrix, in a fixed format of past, present, and future. Unlike a dream, there is an experienced regularity weaving the interactions together. It is an amazing manifestation within creation. Another duality.

Love: Ultimately this is the prime expression of Source Consciousness. It is the expression of grace from Source. As that prime expression, the heart is able to generate that experience, feeling from itself. It has the power to self – emote a state of love, be able to recognize it from others, and embrace all that is with its nature.

Metaphor: In this overall understanding, metaphor is very important. For with the veil of unknowing, and the different vibrational frequencies existing simultaneously on different dimensions, on the vastness of scope, understanding accurately is difficult to impossible. Only within states of expanded consciousness may we get glimpses of the nature of creation. Therefore metaphors, analogies, parables become the means that we have available to comprehend concepts outside of our nuts and bolts, 3D experience. Grasping too firmly to concepts and “truths” will watch them slip through our fingers, only leaving their shadows.

Mind, common use. This is our generic use of the term mind. It is the catch all, every day use of the term mind. We think or say we are using the mind. What is on your mind? Or perhaps, do you “mind” if such and such happens? We generally consider it the thinking portion of the brain, where mind and brain are almost synonymous.           

Mind, the body – mind brain. This is more of the mechanical aspect of our consciousness within this body – a behind the scenes functionality system keeping us running. And perhaps seen as the counterpart to RAM memory on the computer – able to hold some information, but not the hard drive. The interpretation here is that it is a receptor, a transceiver to an expanded Resource Center of consciousness – an access portal. The actual brain neurons go way beyond the typical descriptions of thought storage connectors. It contains different aspects or connections to the overall body, the egoic mind, and to the subconscious. It is an aspect of consciousness, but not the source of Consciousness.

Morphic field. This refers to the concept / theory that certain focused group aspects or ideas within consciousness have a coherence to them. People attending a sports event generate a specific cohesive pattern. This can produce a strong group pattern and an energy to go along with it. And I believe that there is a residual energy signature that remains and becomes part of the creation matrix for some length of time. Some places can be sensed as quite joyous, while others dark and foreboding.

Now: Consciousness exists as the source of all creation. The Now is consciousness manifesting through expansion, going from infinite potential, to specific expressions. The Now is the quintessential origin of life. Everything changes – because the Now is never static. It is the source of movement, the motion of the “first light” of creation.

Recognition: This context requires an esoteric meaning to the term. It is linked with gratitude, with love and seeing to the core of creation. It is alignment. It is appreciation. All these things initiate the feelings of joy within us. And this is one of the fundamental expressions of consciousness. If we cannot recognize, how will we ever see the beauty that is in front of us? How will we accept and see the world as it is without an in depth recognition?

Seed point: This is a technique that can be used to work in harmony with creation. We can suggest an intention, and then by self-emoting a feeling, and then seeing it come to fruition at a future time. This is a seed point. An intention, a positive emotion initially, and then a point of gratitude and joy visualized at a future time. But very importantly, not to dictate how that process will actually unfold. Only to be open to working with creation as that manifestation happens. It is the Taoist action-less action.

Self-actuate self-emote:  Terms used in regard to emotional feelings. Feelings such as joy, gratitude, love, compassion can be experienced by interacting with what we will term the outer world. But those emotional feelings are also inherent within us. And hence we can learn to self – actuate, self – emote those same feelings. This is an important element for expanding beyond our third dimensional state of being.

Separation: See veil of unknowing.

Smile. Why include smile? It is our bodies’ outward manifestation of happiness, joy, gratitude etc. It is an indicator of a positive, loving emotion. In the process of self- emoting, after bringing up a memory dear to our hearts in a moment of quietude, it is easy to recognize a smile on the face. Even just a subtle lightness becomes an indication that the emotion has been generated from the heart. It is a touchstone created by our physical bodies.

Can there be a negative smile reaction? Can a person smile after committing a horrific event? This cannot be one generated from the heart. It can be a result driven by deep anger and perceived hatred. Perhaps it may represent a temporary relief from those internal pain experiences.

Source: The wellspring of all of creation, of manifestation, of all thoughts, and the love that is. The Divine.

Source Consciousness, Oneness, Unity, God: How can we possibly define these terms? All existence is an aspect of consciousness. All is a manifestation of consciousness. There is only unity and oneness that is. Each of us are individual aspects of that Oneness. Unique but ultimately part of that oneness. There is no prior cause. It Is that it Is – I Am that I Am. Nothing can exist outside of consciousness. Once brought into existence or recognition, it will always be. We will always be. Nothing can be “erased” from consciousness.

Subconscious: This is a difficult term for it has been used in so many ways. In one sense it is part of our individual conscious awareness. Yet it must be so much more than that. It is the remembrance of all our actions, which are forgotten by our conscious mind. It can be looked at as a way to access the Akashic records. It can provide access to understanding more about what we truly are. What we have been, and potentially what we will become. This is outside of our linear time /space perspective.

Trajectory: The term trajectory suggest an initial motivating directional force. The Now is the moving force of life. Our karmic sphere along with our conscious presence establishes a trajectory for that life. It is not a random movement. But it is also one that has the ability to change and adapt, depending on our conscious needs.

Transcendence: The potential of other realities continues to open before us. The temptation is to say, enough, let’s get off this crazy plane of existence. Transcend. But one transcends not by merely leaving places such as earth “behind”, but learning to accept, incorporate, and express true compassion for what IS, and has taken place. Transition happens by incorporating the totality of the earth experience within us. Then are we able to transition beyond the confines of this dimension. The shadows of our existence will continue to haunt us when they are not examined and embraced with love and compassion.

Unity: A recognition of the Oneness of all that is. The One is All, and the all are One.

Veil of unknowing: One initial format of our third dimensional space was that of separation. The separation between our experience in this dimension, and our true nature as part of the Oneness of Consciousness. What would it be like if we did not know, with certainty, who we really are? This was the veil that was put in place. Yet certain beings who incarnated in this dimension became aware of our true nature, and pointed the way through the veil. At this particular juncture in our linear time, that veil is dissolving.

Vibration, frequency: Everything within the Now of creation is in motion. And that motion can be defined as vibration or frequency. Subatomic particles may even vibrate in and out of our dimension. We cannot see things that are vibrating beyond the abilities of our senses. Mathematics may define states of existence beyond our dimension, but we cannot perceive other dimensions whose frequency is not aligned with ours.

© 2022 by Alan Swanson              Lancaster PA

Attuning to a New Earth


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