The doer and the doing are the same

The merging of conscious presence / awareness, and the Now, manifest to form the ongoing creation.

We can become aware that we are awareness. Yet awareness exists beyond the mind. The thought process and the endless chatter happens as we go about our day. But that presence is always there, in what we might term the “background” of our experience of life. This is the same conscious presence that is the nature of all that is. All is consciousness. All creation is consciousness. Our conscious awareness is a direct aspect of that Source Consciousness.

The Now is the motion of creation. It is the infinite reservoir of manifesting potential happening continually. In our dimension we can call it the cycle of life. Being born, living and experiencing, then passing away from this dimension. It creates the experience of linear time and space. Space as in the manifested solidity we experience in the world around us, our bodies and minds included.

These two fundamental aspects of creation – we might call them the prime duality of creation – are interdependent. One activates the other. Our conscious awareness brings forth the need for the infinite Now to manifest. And the Now provides the environment for our conscious awareness to be able to express itself. Without ongoing manifestation of creation from the Now, our conscious awareness would only exist as potential.

This is the point where life incarnate happens. This is the point where that initial duality merges into one. It is the miracle of creation. Each moment expresses a new aspect of reality, of experience, of potential. And our minds become part of that equation. It is said that our conscious presence is the witness that observes life passing before it. But our minds, our body minds are also a necessary part of this creation. They help to define meaning and a perspective on what is taking place before us. The egoic mind maintains a perspective on what the mind has witnessed taking place in the Now. These are the memories of the experience. This is the process of filling what we term the subconscious during this incarnation. Our conscious presence merging or intersecting continually with the Now produces recognizable experiences for our minds and egoic mind’s to assimilate.

Consciousness and the Now are inseparable. Or one might say they are the same thing. As the doer and the doing are the same. One cannot exist without the other – they dance together as creation. This is another way to recognize the unity that underlies Source manifesting itself.

What does all this mean? Or, what kind of meaning can we give it? For us, the latter is more important. Answering the question of meaning might be nothing more than recognizing, with gratitude, creation taking place. That it is an integrated whole, and not a combination of random occurrences. From that perspective, we can ascribe meanings that honor our integration as the doer with the doing. This helps to dissolve the separation and the apparent duality that is our normal perception of the world. It is the old adage of “be here now“. It is another tool to help us be present in all that we do. Foregoing past and future, with trust that what is taking place before us is for our highest good. No matter how our minds try to interpret what is taking place. It is recognizing the loving harmony that IS.

                                                                                                            A.S. 8/16/22

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