What is attunement to a new earth?

  Understanding attunement to a New Earth is not a closed end experience; it is an ongoing process. It reflects our growth, the expansion of our consciousness, and continued opening of our heart awareness. It is ongoing creation – the ever changing, ever evolving, undefinable nature of existence. There will always be a degree of unknowing. However we approach it, creation is a mystery. Absolute certainty is bound to run into an absolute brick wall. The Taoist adage of – the Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao – recognizes the limits of our understanding. It points to the nature of creation itself. Everything changes, everything moves. If we try to grasp too firmly, that which IS will slip through our fingers.

A New Earth, Earth Two is not a planet existing alongside our Earth One experience. It is something evolving in a different dimensional state of being. It is on a different vibrational frequency, or perhaps described as no longer synchronized to its predecessor. It is something being born in a new expression of cosmic space / time. For something to come into existence, it must enter consciousness. By definition, no thing that is not part of consciousness can exist. In some aspect of expanded consciousness, this must be taking place.

We, as an active part of this dimension, contribute to the conscious creation of Earth Two. It is happening through us, and at the same time outside of our normal awareness in this dimension. This is who we are as creator beings. We are connected to those things which we can see and sense, but also are part of a broader experience of creation. Each of us, in our own way, contributes in the formation of ongoing creation.

As our consciousness has evolved enough to be able to encompass and access more of our conscious awareness, we are beginning to function on multiple vibrational frequencies. On some level, we already attune to the frequencies of this New Earth. We are learning to recognize that connection in more subtle ways. In states of expanded awareness, we understand and embrace the undefinable creator beings that we are.

How can this awareness, this attunement, happen in this third dimensional space? How do we actively connect with Gaia, and consciously transition into Earth Two, the fourth or fifth dimensional spaces? We already have, and use the means. We access more encompassing dimensions with the use of emotional states of being. But not just any emotional state. Feelings / emotions such as gratitude, acceptance, compassion, joy and happiness, and of course love, open the portals into those expanded states of being and consciousness. These dissolve resistance and judgment. Which is another way to recognize the nature of acceptance. This helps set the trajectory for the creation of a New Earth. By so doing, we both facilitate and experience this change, by bringing it into group consciousness.

A.S.  3/5/22   

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