
  The potential of expansion is infinite. Expansion is transformation, a new perspective encompassing not only what we see before us, but one that recognizes the context of that potential. It is the second sight. The ability to see from the mountaintop.

Ultimately, it relies on the heart as the means of exploration. The heart has the capacity to embrace without limit.  For the heart, with its connection to the Divine, to Source Consciousness, provides the “security” for each individual being to step out into the unknown. It is the ability to activate the inherent confidence to enter into this incarnational experience. Remember the expression of “having the heart” to push forward toward a goal.  

What drives us to explore? To wonder? To search for a new perspective? To seek to understand what we are? To enter into relationships based on love?

This world, this earth, this dimension we are experiencing, has been described in many ways. One being it is a very dense state of expression. If the totality of creation is in fact light, energy, vibration, then what we witness here is expressing the opposite of those fundamental states. Pure conscious energy expressing itself as solid matter. And if our original state is pure consciousness, a type of light energy, existing outside of time and space, thus immortal, why wouldn’t we want to experience this concept of reality based on solidity? We give ourselves the opportunity to put on a garb of these bodies, and be able to feel the earth and air around us. Even if just for a few moments. What an amazing environment / expression of creation !

Our ultimate consciousness, that part, that essence of what we are, is inherently in motion. Being incarnate is motion. Being in a dream state is motion. Thoughts, the functions of the mind is motion. This solid dimension requires motion for survival. And of course expansion is a representation / result of motion.

One could sum up our incarnational experience, and perhaps even the fundamental nature of our individual beings, as an adventure. We are explorers. What would it be like if we… Where are the old boundaries? What would it look like, feel like, to transcend them? What could we conceive of to discover? These are some of the questions, but more appropriately, the motivations that attracted us to this life experience of this dimension. Incarnation into this world was not some random event, but a choreographed trajectory of exploration. At times it can be difficult to comprehend why we would agree to place ourselves into stressful, harmful circumstances, where we literally have “skin” in the game.  But the returns. We get to experience physical bodies, feel emotions, explore with the mind, and our senses ability to perceive incredible beauty. All of this interwoven with the love that we are, which we express and receive.                                                                            A.S. 7 15 23

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