Stepping into the knowable unknown

  When we approach the journey of inner space, ultimately we are on our own. We may read books, listen to experts, have religious guidance, or put into practice techniques we have discovered along the way. And at this time, there is a vast amount of information, teachings, teachers, and perspectives on what is happening within the realm of consciousness. Adding to this complexity, people are at different stages of understanding, experiences, and abilities. In the final analysis, it is the actual exploration of inner space that matters – from whatever point we find ourselves. For I would contend the process enhances our ability to perceive the world around us with more clarity, compassion, and love.

Starting with the basics.

  How do we go about the process of self-knowledge? How do we cultivate awareness and the awareness that we are more than our circumstances in the outer world? What kind of tools do we have at our disposal? Is there some sort of universal roadmap to which we might refer?

  Relaxation techniques were some of the first methods I used to become aware of the potential within my body. I had been doing different forms of meditation, primarily learning how to focus and empty the mind – with marginal success, if success is a term that can be used in this context. At the time I had no real consideration of an internal process or consciousness concerning what our minds might be capable of achieving. Enlightenment was the goal. But that was somehow off in the distance. Several years later, what was termed the human potential movement, came to the forefront of popularity. One could learn consciousness expansion and internal body mechanics. This became quite exciting to me at the time and continues to this day. Learning about alpha brainwave states, and how to access them, turned my internal process upside down. A whole new world of potential had opened up.

  Learning to access an alpha brainwave state was a major but simple first step. The process involved learning how to truly relax the body and subsequently the mind. I do not think I ever gave this process as much recognition as it deserved. It seems so simple and basic. Perhaps once learned, it faded into the background. But I was reminded in a recent transmission from my guides, that there are numerous benefits from just this simple technique.

  As an example, one would lay on the floor and initiate a relaxed state of being. Typically it began by focusing on slowing and regulating the breath. Slow, deep, diaphragm breaths. After a few minutes, the instruction was to focus on the toes and relax them. One would let go of all the tension throughout. This could be enhanced by directing the slow even breath into the toes to assist the clearing of any tension – exhaling any feelings of constriction. Toes easy. Next, move into the feet and repeat the process of clearing. One then moves up the entire body, establishing the relaxed state of being throughout. Some locations not as easy.

  It is a conscious letting go of tension. It is a conscious letting go of the mind too. It is centering and aligning. Deeper breathing, blood flow, slowing heart rate, and other physiological benefits to the body take place. These are well documented. Beyond that one starts to enter what we may call more esoteric realms of perception. Bain-wave patterns may be considered the first recognizable change as one goes into a relaxed state of being. This is how I was taught to consciously enter an alpha or theta brainwave state. This gave conscious access to many different attributes, enhanced creativity being important for me.

  Brainwave changes I would place in the category of being part of the body and partially in a state of expanded consciousness – beyond our expected capabilities. But what is happening by directing one’s attention to different points within the body enhances one’s ability to move actual consciousness awareness. One becomes more aware of consciousness itself, – it is not a vague, stagnant thing within the body. We can learn to feel our awareness in our toes for example. We understand the confines of the body are no longer a limitation. If I can move my consciousness around my body, why stop there? But remember, this is different than just thinking about these areas. We can start the process with the mind. But then in the relaxed alpha state something else happens. Feeling happens. Expanded sensing happens. A purer awareness happens. Knowing happens. It is thought but it is non-thought. Coupling this state with positive emotions, such as joy, compassion, love, inclusiveness, expands the state of being even further.

  Once attuned to an alpha state, which is not difficult, then all these attributes are there for you. One of the courses I took promised that by the end of a long week each person would function psychically to their satisfaction. And that was the case. These abilities are right at our fingertips and can be applied as needed.

  All these things work together as a unified whole. And one thing leads to the next when delving into this subject. Relaxing and getting into an alpha or theta brainwave state leads to additional abilities. Visualization is one such enhanced ability. Once in these brainwave states of being, the ability to visualize increases. Inspiration, the lightbulb turning on, insight. Appropriate information and connections become accessible. We see visually or sense in some manner the specific information that has become available. Problem-solving is enhanced. One can recognize the Chi or Prana energy which functions in the “background”, energizing your life.

  I would like to stress that a visual image is not necessary. Feeling, sensing, inspiration, ideas, connections, insight are all as valid. There is no right or wrong here. With relaxation and getting into an alpha brainwave state, we open up our creative, connective capabilities which can manifest in numerous and profound ways.

  One can find numerous online guided meditations that can be used in this process. I would recommend finding one that just feels right to you. They can be used as an end in themselves. Or as I have discussed here, an opening to higher conscious awareness.

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