Since the beginning of this site and the specific name, the question has always arisen – what is attuning? If there is a new earth, if it is described as such, then how does one access and understand what it is? It has not been termed new physical earth, but one that is more superimposed on our old earth, earth one, and existing primarily in the fifth-dimensional density. It has been defined as a particular vibration. It is also said to be inhabited by other beings and entities who are aware of our existence on this “earth one”. Up until recently, there have been more questions than answers.
Over the past six months or so of existence, this blog site has been filling up with information on various topics from different contributors. As part of that I have come to understand I am being brought up to speed – to have a larger overall picture concerning the new earth and our place in its creation. And too, I feel as though I am becoming more proficient and connected in the reception of these transmissions, as many are directed at expanding my worldview and consciousness through meditations and visualizations.
A major part of this learning process, which has been stressed from the very first transmissions I received, is that existence is an integrated whole. As part of that integration, and this seems pretty obvious now, we have access to beings who are willing to help us, eager to help us discover our capabilities. And in this context, help to provide access to this new earth. For once a person has the intention of expanding beyond the normal confines of our third-dimensional space, we discover that there is a vastness of creation populated with multitudes of beings that exist and have been obscured from our sight. Traditional religious texts are full of such beings.
Our third-dimensional density was created for many different reasons. I would say that it is a creation of consciousness, to expand individual consciousness. And by all accounts we are experiencing an acceleration of conscious awareness, blossoming and expressing more of its potential. Part of that potential is moving out and beyond our normal perceptual framework. Accessing this new earth is an expression of this moving, and consciousness expansion.
This is exciting and also complicated. One way to look at it is we are making it up as we go along, being created in the Now. What I have been told is that as we are beings of creation, and inherently part of the process of that creation on a much grander scale. Source energy works through us to create, to expand, to evolve the nature of manifested existence. We truly are contributors. It is a totally integrated process, as opposed to one where we are created beings just dropped into a premade environment, where we have experiences. True, there are trajectories, there is personal and collective karma, and what I referred to as the creation matrix – which provides something akin to a stage set for a play. It is the total unity, the inherent interaction of all existence that is the underlying function of what we experience as being human. Incredibly vast, complex beyond comprehension. And as I’m reminded many times, these descriptions are metaphors at best. The hope to describe that complexity and try to bridge the information gap between the other-dimensional densities existent beyond our normal spectrum of awareness is quite minimal. I like to refer to the electromagnetic spectrum, and how little we are able to perceive with our senses. It is there but outside of our visual framework. Yet may only translate into our world through a mathematical formula, which too is abstract.
Recently, I have been receiving specific information concerning how to access this new earth, and subsequently a fifth-dimensional density. I am currently in the process of putting this information, these instructions into use. With my intention to attune to this new earth, what do I experience? This is still a work in progress at this time, and perhaps for all time. But I can present what I know and have been told.
First off, there must be an acceptance of what is being sought is a particular type of vibration. Granted, that’s a pretty nebulous term. Because it is something that exists almost outside of our normal perception. So how do we discover something that we can’t even be sure exists?
Working with the heart and opening up the heart-based energy that we have is the first key. Focusing one’s awareness in the heart area can take us out of space-time. To do that one is required to comprehend and deeply feel the unity of all that is. It is recognizing the illusion of separation. Being in the grip of perceived separation keeps us in the duality of this third-dimensional density, in the world we perceive around us. Compassion, love, acceptance open the doorway to this new earth. Those are the vibrations required to step beyond the limitations we have known most of our lives. Being tied to the old will restrict our access to the new. Yet these are noble expressions of our nature. It is now about applying these in a new way and focus.
It may seem a bit overwhelming and a daunting task to be able to access this new earth. And we do have our part to play in order to initiate this transition. But we are not alone. Source consciousness wishes us to do this. Wishes us to transition beyond apparent limitations that we have in this third-dimensional density. It is important to keep that in mind, we are supported – always. With an open, loving heart, ask for assistance. This is not an idle fantasy or only wishful thinking, but it does require one to make a “leap of faith”. But hopefully, by this point in your reading of this blog site, you recognize and accept that there are other beings existent and accessible. And fundamentally if one has a desire to be part of this new earth – then going beyond our present worldly comfort zone is a requirement. The question comes back again, how to go about doing just that?
With the blog postings I have presented, I hope there have been a number of bread crumbs left on the trail to provide some guidance. But it is a process. And depending upon one’s location on the pathway, it can be a shorter or longer journey. Asking for assistance and guidance, even just opening up and accepting the possibility of such help can locate you at the doorway to another dimension, a new earth. Place your request within the all protective light of spirit, and enter this new world.
There was a specific starting meditation / visualization that was given to begin access to the new earth. The idea is to intensely feel the earth within your being and bring this new earth into your reality. Seeing the earth as part of your heart creates your connection, your attunement. And simultaneously, it is blessing the old earth and the new earth as one.
Sitting upright, center in the body. Breathe gently and establish a calm state of being. When you are ready, visualize your awareness dropping down into your heart area. Focus there and recognize it is your true home. It is the pure observer of the outside world. There is no stress, there is no separation, there is only the infinite quietude of being.
Realize that you are capable of moving beyond the heart and your body. Let yourself move out and embrace your etheric body, that energy body that is you outside of your physical body. Stay in the moment and recognize that space. Sense the space between your awareness and your physical body. Then feel yourself move out beyond that body too. Beyond the earth, beyond the solar system, beyond the galaxy. Feel the expanse of infinite space.
Now from that sense of expanded space, that vantage point, bring the earth back into focus or your awareness. Then with your intent, bring the earth into your heart. Feel that settle within your body. Embrace it. Direct your love, compassion, generate peace, and total inclusiveness to the earth from your heart. And as you do this, feel the vibration, the subtle vibration of Source moving through your body. It circulates within you and throughout the entire world.
Then with a loving smile, with joy, bless the earth and all upon it, and let it go.
The Return to your physical body. Feel the breath, your heart pumping, the sounds in your ears, the warmth of the room, and slowly, the light entering your eyes. Maintain the glow of that blessing, for yourself and for the earth.
Be at one, be at peace.
A.S. 10/21/20