Our true being, which is our eternal essence of What we are, not Who we are, is given the opportunity to incarnate into a specific body, into this world, into this dimension. We call this life. But from our mind perspective, life is usually perceived from the vantage point of the “Who” we are. The Who that identifies itself with the externals of our environment.
Our lives are another way consciousness, vibration, energy, continually manifests itself. It does this by entering the “prepared body” through the crown chakra, into the pineal gland energy center. There it “locks” into our being for as long as we are alive. Within this location, which spans different dimensions, the What we are becomes “hard wired” to the body. And then the power is turned on.
From there the What we are connects to, resides within the heart center. Which is our true home during this incarnation. Our home away from home. Where it may experience and express the love and our connectedness to Source. And to experience the oneness that is the foundation of existence. This is the main attribute of the heart, which I believe is integrated into the heart chakra when our conscious presence activates our physical bodies.
Each body “shell” is the manifestation of the creation energy, of the specific consciousness that is Earth. Mother Earth that gives us, loans us, our body, and whose job it is to receive our spirit essence. Our Mother also provides the physical platform for experiences, interactions to take place. And this happens on / in what we term the creation matrix, yet another aspect of consciousness. This matrix expresses itself much like a stage set, where we, as the actors, are able to perform. It is the ever changing format within this third dimensional environment we inhabit. A metaphorical glue that holds all interactions together in a harmonious whole.
All creation is an expression of consciousness. It is consciousness taking on different forms as needed, in infinite numbers, with infinite potential. Unique vibrational frequencies manifesting in different ways, different individual beings, coming and going in an unending dance.
But more often than not, that connection is obscured by our body mind brain, our egoic mind and many of the blockages / “filters” that have accumulated. The Who we are, confusing itself with the actual What we are. The world around us is quite seductive in reflecting back the Who we think we are. Remembering the What we are, and the How we got here, expands the nature of the Who we are with perspective and gratitude. A.S. 7/6/21